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从十二星座中学习英语单词 天秤座
Libra Zodiac Sign: A Conversation John: Hey, Mary, I heard you are a Libra. Is that true? Mary: Yes, that's right. I was born on October 5th, which makes me a Libra. John: Oh, that's interesting. I have heard that Libras are quite balanced and fair-minded. Is that true? Mary: Yes, it is. As a Libra, I always try to remain fair, just, and balanced in all situations. I really value harmony and peace, and I hate when things get too chaotic or unbalanced. John: That's really admirable. I've also heard that you guys are very diplomatic and charming. Is that true too? Mary: (laughs) Yes, we do have a bit of charm to us, but it's not just surface level. We are genuinely interested in connecting with people and finding common ground. We are also good li『浏览更多 婚配文章请关注 :运程网,wWW.iYUnchENg.cC』steners and try to understand where others are coming from. John: That sounds great. I am a Sagittarius, and I admire how you can maintain balance and harmony in your relationships. I sometimes struggle with that. Mary: Well, as a Libra, I believe in the power of compromise and taking the time to understand others' perspectives. It's not always easy, but I think it's important to work things out in a peaceful and balanced way. John: That's a really good point. I hope I can learn more about how to do that from you. Thanks for sharing your insights about being a Libra. Mary: Of course, happy to chat about it!从十二星座中学习英语单词 天秤座


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