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"Th预告 礼制衣承 布依族服饰展将于11月23日在贵州省非遗博览馆 非遗工坊开幕
e Splendor of Buyi Traditional Clothing" China is a melting pot of diverse ethnic groups, each with their unique traditions and customs. Among them is the Buyi ethnic group, which is known for its exquisite traditional clothing. The Buyi people reside in the southwestern region of China, mainly in Guizhou, Yunnan, and Sichuan provinces. Their traditional clothing reflects their identity and cultural heritage. The traditional Buyi clothing is made of silk, cotton, or hemp fabrics with bright colors and exquisite embroidery patterns. Men wear long jackets with collar buttons and loose trousers. Women's clothing is a combination of short jackets, pants, and pleated skirts. The most striking feature of Buyi clothing is their headwear, which is decorated with various ornaments, such as silver hairpins and embroidery. The Buyi embroidery art has a long history and is celebrated as a national intangible cultural heritage. The embroidery patterns on the clothing reflect the local traditions, myths, and legends of the Buyi people. The embroidery needlework is so precise and delicate that it takes skilled artisans months to complete a single piece. The embroidery patterns vary from intricate flowers and birds to auspicious animals, such as dragons and phoenixes. The embroidery is not only for decoration but also for indicating the wearer's social status, marital status, and age. Traditional Buyi clothing is not only aesthetically pleasing but also practical. The clothing is designed to suit the local climate and lifestyle. For example, the Buyi people live in mountainous areas with a humid climate; they wear loose-fitting clothes that allow air circulation, making them comfortable to wear. Additionally, the Buyi embroidered shoes and bags are not only beautiful but also durable. The traditional Buyi clothing has been passed down from generation to generation, and it still plays an essential role in the Buyi culture today. The clothing reflects the Buyi people's cultural identity, values, and customs. The Buyi people take pride in their traditional clothing and wear them in various social occasions such as festivals, weddings, and special cerem『浏览更多 十二星座与性格文章请关注 :浣熊星座知识网,wWW.ImhuAnxiOng.coM」onies. In conclusion, Buyi traditional clothing is a unique cultural heritage that represents the Buyi people's identity and tradition. The intricate embroidery patterns and bright colors make the clothing stand out, and the practical design makes them suitable for the local climate and lifestyle. The Buyi people's dedication to preserving their culture is an inspiration to the world.贵州望谟服饰设计大赛 展布依族服饰之美


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