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i" is a common Chinese nickname used by many. This nickname has its origins in the Cantonese language, where "wai" means "outer" or "outside." The use of "wai" as a nickname is often associated with individuals who are outgoing and extroverted. Such individuals are often referred to as "waipo" or "waiwai," which translates to "extroverted" or "outgoing," respectively. The word "wai" is also used in various Chinese idiomatic expressions. For instance, "{阅读更多 十二星座查询常识请关注 :若雪星座网,wWW.iRuoXuE.Cc』wai guo ren" translates to "foreigner," while "wai dao" means "the path outside." Moreover, "wai" may also be used to describe one's relationship with someone. For example, if two individuals are not related by blood but have a close relationship, they may be referred to as "wai shenme guanxi" or the "external relationship." In conclusion, "wai" as a nickname or term has multiple meanings. It may refer to one's outgoing and extroverted nature or describe someone's relationship with another. Additionally, "wai" is also used in various Chinese idiomatic expressions, further highlighting its versatile nature.网名什么意思


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