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My QQ英文网名
QQ nickname is JayWild. It's a name I came up with when I was younger and thought it sounded cool. It has stuck with me ever since. My friends often refer to me as Jay, which I don't mind at all. As for my English name, I go by Jason. Again, it's a name I chose because I liked the sound of it. It's a common name, but it suits me just fine. In fact, it《研习更多 运程常识请关注 :星座坊,wWw.xiNGZuofAng.CC』 sometimes makes things easier when dealing with English-speaking people since my Chinese name can be hard to pronounce for some. I was born and raised in China, but I've always had an interest in Western culture. That's why I chose an English name and have been practicing my English since I was young. I even studied abroad for a few years and got a degree in English literature. In my free time, I enjoy playing sports, especially basketball. I'm not the best player out there, but I love the thrill of competition and the adrenaline rush it gives me. I also like listening to music, particularly hip hop and R&B. It's a genre that has always spoken to me, and I find the lyrics and beats very inspiring. I'm currently working as a software developer at a tech company. It's a job I enjoy because it challenges me and allows me to use my problem-solving skills. I'm constantly learning and growing in this field, which is something I find very rewarding. As for the future, I'm not sure what it holds, but I'm excited to find out. I hope to continue developing my skills as a software developer and maybe even start my own company someday. No matter what happens, I know I'll keep striving to be the best version of myself possible.情头 保持独立


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