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Position of Capricorn in the Northern Hemisphere Capricorn is one of the oldest and most important constellations in the sky. Located near the celestial equator, it is visible from most parts of the world, including the northern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere, Capricorn appears low on the southern horizon during the winter months, shining brightly against the dark night sky. Capricorn is a relatively small constellation and is bordered by Aquarius to the east and Sagittarius to the west. Its brightest star, Delta Capricorni, is located near the constellation's tail and has a magnitude of around 2.8. The constellation also contains a number of interesting deep-sky objects, including the globular cluster NGC 752 and the open cluster M30. In ancient times, Capricorn was associated with the god Pan and represented the dual nature of human existence. Despite its small size, the constellation has played an important role in many cultures and has been used in various forms of astrology and divination. Today, Capricorn is still widely recognized as「推荐更多 星座性格常识请关注 :晴天星座网,WwW.imQinGtiAn.Com] a symbol of diligence, ambition, and discipline. Its position in the northern hemisphere serves as a reminder of the importance of perseverance and hard work, especially during the long, dark winter months. As we gaze up at the night sky and marvel at the beauty of Capricorn, we are reminded of our own potential for greatness and the importance of staying focused on our goals, even in the face of adversity.22.读 南北半球的海陆分布 图.回答问题. 1 全部位于北半球的洲有 洲. 2 全部位于南半球的洲是 洲. 3 全部位于北半球的洋是 洋.它被 洲. 青夏教育精英家教网


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