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My 在EXCEL中如何将中国人的英文姓名与外国人的英文姓名区分
English Name - Lily When I was born, my parents gave me a Chinese name that means "small, quiet flower." However, when I started attending school, I realized that having an English name was almost a requirement for communication with my foreign teachers and peers. After much consideration, I decided to choose the name Lily. I chose Lily as my English name because it is a beautiful flower with delicate petals that symbolize purity and innocence. It is also a name that is easy for non-native speakers to pronounce. While I am proud of my Chinese name and the culture it represents, I understand the importance of having an English name for daily communication in a globalized world. Having an English name has allowed me to seamlessly communicate with people from different parts of the world. It has also given me a sense of identity and belonging in the English-speaking world. Whenever I introduce myself as Lily, I feel a connection with others who share the same name, regardless of their cultural background. However, I must admit that there are t『浏览更多 配对资讯请关注 :105星座运势网,WWw.W105.Com』imes when I miss using my Chinese name. It is a name that is unique and special to me, and it reminds me of my roots and heritage. I believe that one's name is an essential part of their identity, and it is essential to maintain and embrace all aspects of one's identity. In conclusion, my English name Lily has allowed me to connect with people from all walks of life and cultures, and I am grateful for that. At the same time, I am proud of my Chinese name and the culture it represents. Both names are an integral part of my identity, and I will continue to cherish and use them both.你的英文名到底有多low 老外听完,露出迷之微笑


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