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正版 河马童书新幼儿英语 附光盘1 全套6册 配6张VCD光盘 幼儿园英语教材 儿童早教学习书籍 英语启蒙图书 新幼儿英语 附光盘6
My 幼儿园宝宝也有 鄙视链 没英文名最遭鄙视,看熊出没最受嘲笑
English Name - Lucy Hi, my name is Lucy and I am a little girl studying in kindergarten. I love my English name because it is easy to remember and sounds very cut{阅读更多 12生肖知识常识请关注 :立花星座生肖网,wWw.IlihUA.CC』】e. Most of my friends in kindergarten also have English names and we all enjoy introducing ourselves in English. Learning English is fun and helpful for me. I can communicate with people from different countries and understand English songs and stories on TV. Sometimes, my teacher will ask us to sing an English song or recite an English poem in front of the whole class. I feel proud and excited when I do it well! At the beginning, it was a bit hard for me to say English words and sentences correctly. But my teacher was very patient and helpful. She always encouraged us to practice more and corrected our pronunciation gently. Gradually, my English-speaking skill has improved a lot. Besides learning English, kindergarten is also a place full of fun and games. I love playing with my friends, painting, dancing, and doing outdoor activities. We have a lot of toys and books to play with and our teachers always come up with creative and interesting lessons for us. Overall, I enjoy my life in kindergarten and feel grateful for all the good things that I have here. I hope I can continue to learn and grow, and make more friends along the way. Cheers to my English name - Lucy, the happy and curious little girl!幼儿园环境布置墙面 英语名字


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