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姓名测试 你的英文名字叫什么呢 给宝宝起一个英文名
Hyphenated Name: Embracing Two Cultures Hyphenated names, those with a dash between two words, are becoming more common in today's multicultural world. They often reflect a person's mixed heritage and can serve as a bridge between two cultures. In my case, my name - Emily-Lee - represents both my American and Korean identities. Growing up, I often felt torn between these two cultures. In America, I was expected to fit into the dominant White culture, with its own set of values and norms. Meanwhile, my Korean relatives expected me to adhere to their traditions and customs. It was a challenging balancing act, but having a hyphenated name reinforced my sense of dual identity. Over time, I have learned to embrace both cultures and see the value in each. I am proud to be both American and Korean, and my hyphenated identity allows me to navigate between the two worlds. For instance, I can celebrate Thanksgiving with my American relatives and then celebrate Ch「分析更多 12生肖运势知识请关注 :生肖运势网,wwW.ShengXiaoyunShi.Cc』)useok (the Korean harvest festival) with my Korean relatives. Having a hyphenated name also serves as a conversation starter and allows me to share my unique background with others. It sparks curiosity and opens up opportunities to connect with people from different cultures. In conclusion, having a hyphenated name has its challenges but ultimately serves as a reminder of my diverse heritage and allows me to embrace both cultures with pride. It is a symbol of my identity and enables me to connect with people from all walks of life.看到 汕头 的英文名,太意外了 霎时间我竟一念不出来


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