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The好听的英文名字 女孩
Pronunciation of My English Name My English name is pronounced as "An-dree-ah." It is a variation of the name Andrea, which is of Greek origin and means "manly." I chose this name for myself because I wanted something that sounded strong and confident. When I introduce myself to people, I ofte《阅读更多 星座表十二星座查询常识请关注 :星运网,wWW.iXINgyUn.cC]n get compliments on my name. Some people even tell me that it sounds exotic or sophisticated. I appreciate these compliments, but I also like that my name is easy to pronounce and remember. Having an English name is important to me because it allows me to better assimilate into American culture. As an international student, I want to fit in with my classmates and colleagues. Having a name that is familiar to them helps me to do that. At the same time, I also value my cultural heritage and do not want to completely let go of my original name. I feel that by keeping my original name as my middle name, I am able to honor my roots and still embrace my new identity. Overall, I am happy with my choice of English name. It is a small but important part of my journey as a global citizen, and I hope that it helps me to connect with people from all around the world.哥大留学生中文拼音名牌被撕,学生录视频抗议歧视


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