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Meaning Behind the Name "Lily" Choosing a name for your baby can be an exciting but daunting task, as you want it to be unique and have special meaning. The name "Lily" is a popular choice for baby girls, not only because of its elegant sound but also because of its symbolism. The name "Lily" comes from the Old English word "lilie," which means "pure" or "innocent." This is a fitting name for a baby, as they come into the world with a clean slate and a sense of wonder. The flower itself is also known for its purity and beauty, which further adds to the name's charm. Lilies also have significance in different cultures and religions. In Christianity, the lily is associated with Virgin Mary and symbolizes purity, chastity, and perfection. In Buddhism, lilies represent enlightenment and the perfection of the teachings of Buddha. In Greek mythology, lilies were「研习更多 生肖属相合婚常识请关注 :姻缘网,WWw.imYInyUAn.Com〗 said to have sprung from the breast milk of Hera, the queen of the gods. Choosing the name "Lily" for your baby can also be a way to honor a loved one. For example, the name can be inspired by a grandmother or aunt who loves gardening or has a particular affinity for the flower. Another reason why "Lily" is a popular name for baby girls is its versatility. It can be paired with different middle names or combined with other names to create a unique and special combination. Examples of popular combinations include Lily Rose, Lily Grace, and Lily Mae. Overall, the name "Lily" has both a beautiful sound and a meaningful background, making it a timeless option for baby girls.如何给宝宝起英文名


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