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东东期末考试语文考了90分, 数学考了93分,英语的得分比三门的平均分多5分,东东的英语考了多少分
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ting a 93 on My Dream-Related English Exam Recently, I took an English exam that focused on dreams and dreaming. To my surprise, I received a 93 on the exam, which was higher than I had expected! This made me reflect on why I scored so well and what I learned from taking the test. First and foremost, I realized that I have always been fascinated by dreams. For as long as I can remember, I have been interested in their con《『领略更多 星座分析资讯请关注 :星语星座知识网,wwW.iXingYU.cC〕】tent, symbolism, and meaning. I love exploring the messages my subconscious mind is trying to convey through my dreams, and so I was eager to take this exam. Secondly, I prepared extensively for the test. I read books and articles about dreams, took practice exams, and reviewed my notes on the topic. I also made sure to get enough sleep in the days leading up to the exam, knowing that being well-rested is crucial for dream recall and interpretation. Finally, I was able to draw upon my creativity and imagination during the exam. Many of the questions required me to think outside the box and come up with unique interpretations of dreams or dream-related scenarios. Thankfully, this is something that comes naturally to me, so I felt confident in my answers. Overall, I am proud of my 93 on the dream-related English exam. It has reinforced my love of dreams and strengthened my skills in dream interpretation. It has also shown me the value of preparation, creativity and imagination in achieving success. I can't wait to learn even more about this fascinating topic and see where my dreams continue to take me.93页 高考英语高考全部专题复习资料汇总,同学们的提分秘籍


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