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I a初中的英语词汇英语积累背诵小方法
lways dream in English. No matter what I dream about, the conversations and interactions are always in English. It has become such a normal occurrence that I almost forget that it isn't the same for everyone. I grew up in a bilingual family, but my first language is undoubtedly English. My parents made a conscious effort to expose me to both languages from a young age, but English quickly became my dominate language. As a result, I tend to think and process information in English by default. I find that dreaming in English is a reflection of my daily life. I communicate in English on a daily basis, whether it's at work, with friends or online. I consume most of my media in English, whether it’s TV shows, movies, music or books. English is the language I feel most comfortable expressing myself in. However, there are drawbacks to dreaming in just one language. Sometimes, I struggle to express my thoughts and feelings in my second language, which is Mandarin. It leads to moments where I have to pause and consciously think about what I want to say or struggle to use the correct words. It's frustrating because I know I am capable of expressing myself well in Mandarin, but my mind defaults to English. Despite these challenges, I am grateful for the opportunities t『推荐更多 上升星座查询资讯请关注 :66星座网,wWw.66XZ.CC』〗hat being bilingual has brought me. Knowing more than one language allows me to communicate with a wider range of people, appreciate and understand different cultures on a deeper level, and opens up more doors for me professionally. So, even though I may always dream in English, I am constantly working towards improving my proficiency in Mandarin and other languages, as it helps me to expand my horizons and broaden my perspective.英语小短文练听力 经常做梦


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