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Taurus Girl: Strong, Steadfast, and Sensual The Taurus girl is the embodiment of strength and steadiness. This earth sign is ruled by the planet Venus, which governs beauty, love, and harmony. As such, the Taurus girl is known for her sensual nature, her love of beauty, and her steady disposition. The Taurus girl is deeply connected to the earth and is often driven by her love of nature. She is grounded, patient, and practical, preferring to take things slow and steady rather than rushing headlong into anything. This can make her seem stubborn at times, but it also means that she is dependable and reliable. One of the Taurus girl's greatest strengths is her sense of loyalty. Once she has committed herself to someone or something, she will stick with it through thick and thin. She is not one to give up easily, and will work hard to achieve her goals. This unwavering determination is often what helps her succeed in life. Another defining characteristic of the Taurus girl is her sensuality. She has a deep appreciation for beauty and the finer things in life, and loves to indulge herself in them. She is passionate and tactile, and enjoys physical intimacy with those she loves. She is also a great lover of food, and is often skilled in the kitchen. Despite her love of luxury, the Taurus girl is also quite practical. She has a good head for business and is often successful in her career. She is resourceful and knows how to make use of what she has, which makes her a great problem solver. The Taurus girl is not without her flaws, however. Her love of comfort and security can sometimes lead her to avoid risks and try new things. She can also be possessive and jealous at times, especially in matters of love and romance. Overall, the Tauru{分析更多 做梦与预兆文章请关注 :春兰解梦网,wwW.ImchuNLan.cOM』s girl is a complex and fascinating individual. She embodies strength, sensuality, and steadfastness, and is often known for her unwavering determination and loyalty.金牛座女生英文名带中文翻译


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