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英语学校名称前什么时候加the,什么时候不加 为什么图一和图二都是特指某个学校,但是一个要加,一
圳市第二外国语学校(Shenzhen Second Foreign Languages School) Shenzhen Second Foreign Languages School, also known as SFLS, is a prestigious school located in the Futian District of Shenzhen, a rapidly growing city in southern China. Founded in 1988, SFLS has a history of more than 30 years and has become one of the top schools in Shenzhen. The school provides a high-quality education to students from kindergarten to high school. The campus covers an area of 40,000 square meters, with modern facilities such as science and computer laboratories, a library, a gymnasium, and a swimming pool. The school values innovation and technology in education and has introduced advanced teaching methods such as intelligent education, flipped classrooms, and project-based learning. SFLS aims to cultivate students with i(阅读更多 12星座日期常识请关注 :看星座网,Www.kaNXINgzUo.Cc』】nternational perspectives and good moral characters. The school offers a diverse curriculum and encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, and community service. With a focus on language learning, SFLS provides bilingual education in Chinese and English, as well as courses in other foreign languages, such as Japanese, Korean, and French. In recent years, SFLS has achieved excellent academic results, with many graduates accepted by leading universities in China and abroad, such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Harvard University, and the University of Oxford. Additionally, SFLS has established partnerships with schools in other countries, providing students with opportunities to participate in exchange programs and broaden their horizons. Overall, Shenzhen Second Foreign Languages School is a remarkable institution that provides an exceptional education for students. Its commitment to innovation, internationalism, and moral education has earned it an esteemed reputation in the academic community.英语学校名称前什么时候加the,什么时候不加 为什么图一和图二都是特指某个学校,一个要加the,一


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