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I h天哪噜 雅思7分在国外竟然听不懂课,学的英语都去哪儿了
ad a strange dream last night where I found myself in an English class. However, unlike my usual experience of learning in clas《研习更多 星座每日运势资讯请关注 :运势吧,wWw.yuNShibA.cC〗)s, I could not understand what the lecturer was saying. It felt like I was in a movie where everyone spoke a foreign language that I did not know. I could see their lips moving, but the words sounded like gibberish to me. My heart pounding, I looked around the class and noticed that my classmates were nodding their heads in agreement with the lecturer, as though they understood every word he was saying. I felt embarrassed and frustrated that I could not keep up with the class. It was as if I was lost in a sea of confusion, and I didn't know how to resurface. As the class progressed, my anxiety levels increased, and I began to panic. I even tried to ask my classmates for help, but my words were garbled; they couldn't understand me either. I felt like I was in a nightmare, and I couldn't wake up from it. Eventually, the bell rang, and the class ended. I walked out of the classroom, relieved that my nightmare was finally over. But as I walked down the hallway, I could hear the other students talking in English with ease. It made me feel like an outsider, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of inadequacy. The dream reminded me of the importance of language learning and how challenging it can be. It takes persistence and patience to acquire a new language, but it is also rewarding to be able to communicate with people from different cultures. It highlighted how language barriers can isolate people and how we should strive to overcome them to create a more inclusive and diverse society. Overall, the dream may have been unsettling, but it served as a reminder that dreams reflect our inner anxieties and aspirations. It also made me appreciate how fortunate I am to have access to education and the opportunities to learn new languages.出国留学,全英语授课,上课听不懂怎么办


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