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jelly 是果冻, jelly fish 可不是果冻鱼
Ziz我曾经的英文名被外国朋友鄙视了 没错,我们都曾有过一个不忍直视的英文名字 搜狐搞笑 搜狐网
i, a name that may sound cute and playful, actually has a powerful meaning behind it. In Swahili, the language spoken in many parts of eastern and southeastern Africa, Zizi means "gift from God". Many parents in Africa choose this name for their children as a way to express their gratitude for the miracle of new life and the blessing of parenthood. This beautiful sentiment is embodied in the name Zizi and serves as a reminder of the joy and wonder of birth and motherhood. The name Zizi has become increasingly popular in recent years, not only in Africa but also in other parts of the world. It is often chosen for its sweet and upbeat sound and the association with positivity and blessings. In addition to its meaning, Zizi is also a popular nickname for people with names starting with the letter "Z". It's a catchy and fun nickname that can add a touch of playfulness and lightheartedness to any name. Overall, the name Zizi is a beautiful and meaningful choice for parents looking for a name with a strong connection to faith and gratitude. It's a name that celebrates the gift of life and the love of a parent for their child.大写的尴尬 我们的英文名,在老外眼里居然有这个意思......


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