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ricorn: A Sign of Endurance and Ambition Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is often depicted as a mythical creature with a fish tail and a goat's body. This sign is associated with determination, hard work, and discipline, and people who were born under this sign are believed to possess these traits in abundance. Capricorns are known for their persistent and ambitious natures, and they always strive to achieve their goals. They are highly practical individuals who approach life in a calculated and systematic way. They are also deeply responsible and reliable, and they take great pride in their ability to deliver on their promises. However, Capricorns can also be highly reserved and cautious, and they tend to keep their emotions under control. They may come across as stoic or detached, but this is often a defense mechanism to protect themselves from getting hurt. Despite their reserved nature, they are deeply loyal and dependable friends and partners. In terms of career, Capricorns are often drawn to fields such as business, finance, law, and politics, where their sharp intellect and disciplined nature can be put to good use. They are natural leaders and often end up in positions of authority, where their ability to manage people and resources is highly valued. Overall, Capricorns are a sign of endurance and perseverance, and they embody qualities that are essential to achieving success in life. While they may not be the most expressive or emotional individuals, they are reliable and steadfast, and they will always push themselves to reach their full potential.教你如何拥有AngelaBaby这样的清新脱俗英文名


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