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ricorn: The Determined and Pragmatic Zodian Capricorn is the tenth sign of th「浏览更多 解梦自查免费文章请关注 :999解梦网,wWw.JieMenG999.COm〕」e zodiac, ruled by the planet Saturn. Individuals born under this sign are known for their determined and pragmatic nature. They are goal-orien(推荐更多 12星座知识常识请关注 :星谷星座常识网,Www.iXinGGu.cC〕ted and strive to achieve success in their chosen fields. Capricorns are typically very responsible and reliable individuals, with a great sense of duty and discipline. They are hard-working and often find success in their careers, as they are willing to put in the necessary effort and make sacrifices to achieve their goals. One of the defining traits of Capricorns is their practicality. They are not ones to waste time on frivolous pursuits and prefer to focus on activities that are productive and meaningful. This pragmatism can sometimes make them seem serious or reserved, but it also helps them to make sound decisions and handle difficult situations with grace. As an earth sign, Capricorns are grounded and practical, with a strong sense of tradition and respect for authority. They value stability and often work hard to achieve financial security and professional success. Unlike some other signs, Capricorns are not particularly concerned with taking risks or seeking adventure; they prefer the comfort and security of familiar routines. Despite their serious and practical demeanor, Capricorns can also be surprisingly creative and have a keen eye for aesthetics. They appreciate beauty and craftsmanship, and are often drawn to careers in design, architecture, or the arts. Overall, Capricorns are driven and dependable individuals who are focused on achieving long-term success. Their determined and pragmatic approach to life may not be for everyone, but it has helped many Capricorns achieve great things in their careers and personal lives.摩羯座英文简写


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