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鲁迅后人现状如何 儿子是广电干部,曾孙女是艺人,侄孙是著名演员
Can待我成尘时,你将见我的微笑 鲁迅
We Name ourselves after Lu Xun? Lu Xun is undoubtedly one of the most celebrated Chinese writers in modern history. He was a prolific writer, a social critic, and a leading figure in the May Fourth Movement. In his works, he exposed the political, social, and economic realities that plagued China at the time, calling on the people to wake up and fight for change. His writings had a profound impact on the Chinese people and continue to inspire generations. Given Lu Xun's esteemed legacy, many young Chinese today have considered naming themselves after the writer. However, the question remains: can we do so? It's a tricky question that touches on cultural norms, individual identity, and the ethics of naming. On the one hand, naming oneself after a revered figure is not an uncommon practice in Chinese culture. Many people name their children after famous historical figures or literary giants as a way to pay homage to their virtues and influence. In this sense, naming oneself after Lu Xun could be seen as a sincere gesture of app「学习更多 月亮星座查询知识请关注 :星谷星座性格网,wwW.IxinGGu.cOM〗reciation for his contributions to literature and society. On the other hand, naming oneself after someone else could also raise questions about individual identity. Is it genuine to take on someone else's name as one's own, or is it simply a way to ride on the coattails of another's fame? Moreover, if too many people take on the same name, does it dilute the original significance of the name and the person it represents? Ultimately, whether or not one chooses to name themselves after Lu Xun is a personal choice that reflects individual cultural values and sense of self. It requires thoughtful consideration and respect for the significance of the name and the person it represents. While there is no right or wrong answer, those who do decide to take on the name of a revered literary giant like Lu Xun should strive to embody the virtues and values that person represents, rather than simply basking in their fame. Only in this way can we truly honor their legacy and inspire others to do the same.鲁迅用了一百多个笔名,每个笔名背后都有一个故事


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