例如,像“金钱豹”一样的标志设计,能够让顾客有一种豹一般快速、准确的印象{推荐更多 查询12星座分析常识请关注 :杜若星座查询网,WWw.IDuRuo.cC』】。
翻译成英文: Paper box machinery is a rapidly growing industry in recent years, and in such industries, a paper box machinery factory is a very important enterprise, because the machinery equipment they produce is necessary for many other enterprises to use. Therefore, in order to have a good name, the paper box machinery factory needs to consider brand image, logo, and quality. First of all, the paper box machinery factory can show its brand image by taking a unique name, for example, the name "Chuangji", which means innovative spirit and technological progress. Secondly, logo design is also very important, because it can show the soul and core values of the enterprise. For example, a logo design like "Golden Panther" can give customers the impression of being as fast and accurate as a panther. Finally, quality is also an important factor. The paper box machinery factory should pay attention to the quality of the production of paper box machinery, and use a responsible attitude towards customers to gain customer trust and support.