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杭州74岁瑜伽爷爷骨骼柔软 如同小鲜肉
Yog想要保持年轻 这 9 个强壮骨骼的瑜伽体式要常练
a is a wonderful practice that can bring balance and harmony to both the body and mind. In this article, we will explore some of the names of the bones in the human body, a{研习更多 优秀名字常识请关注 :好名网,Www.imhAOmIng.cOm』s related to the practice of yoga. The first bone we will discuss is the pelvis. The pelvis is the foundation of the body, and in yoga, it is known as the "root" or "foundation" of our practice. It helps to stabilize and ground us, allowing us to perform postures with greater stability and ease. Moving up the body, we come to the spine. The spine is sometimes referred to as the "backbone" of yoga, as it is the central axis around which all movement occurs. A healthy spine is essential for effective yoga practice, as it allows us to move with ease and grace, and to maintain proper alignment in our postures. Next, we have the femur, which is the bone in the leg that connects the hip to the knee. In yoga, this bone is important for understanding proper alignment in standing postures, such as warrior II and triangle pose. By keeping the femur centered in the hip joint, we can protect the knees and avoid injury. Finally, we have the skull, which is the bone that protects the brain. In yoga, the skull represents our highest self, and is associated with the crown chakra, which is said to be the gateway to enlightenment. By keeping the skull lifted and elongated in postures such as headstand and shoulderstand, we can stimulate the crown chakra and cultivate a deeper sense of spiritual connection. In conclusion, the bones of the human body play an important role in the practice of yoga, both in terms of physical alignment and spiritual connection. By understanding the names and functions of these bones, we can deepen our practice and experience greater overall health and wellbeing.杭州74岁瑜伽爷爷骨骼柔软 如同小鲜肉


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